BhagsuNag is in the state of Dharamshala, India. After a month in Kerala taking a textile surface design workshop, I made my way to Mysore to study Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda, and then continued up the country to the Himalayas to complete my three month certificate program in Ayurveda. Once there, on the shoulders of the Gods, the creative juices pumped through me and along with my studies I wrote poetry, sang, and made art. The images above are about the creation of a fifteen foot long canvas about twenty inches from top to bottom finished edges.
This was my gift to my friend and very talented teacher and Ayurvedic Dr. Arun Sharma. Please click on the photos and read the captions that will appear to learn a little more about this project. As it is with gifts that are given in love, giving and receiving are one and I have been deeply blessed by the memories of this beautiful experience. This art project, conceived as a gift for an individual, became a community project and entered into the hearts of all.
Missing from these photos is my friend Pankaj, a Naturpathic Doctor who worked as Arun’s assistant. Pankaj was an invaluable help for this project, my studies, and as my primary cooking instructor.